Action for our community
Podsmead Councillor Sebastian Field reports back on a range of issues from across the ward.
Sebastian reported the minor sinkhole in the road in Tennyson Avenue, and continues to press Gloucester City Homes over the sinkhole in a Tennyson Avenue garden
After residents contacted him, he arranged for vegetation and fly-tipping in the alleyway between Burns Avenue and Eliot Close to be removed.
Sebastian had the street signs repaired or made visible in Corolin Road, Shelley Avenue outside Halford House, Milton Avenue and at the entrance to 68-76 Shakespeare Avenue.
He is campaigning for street lighting to be restored in some houses in Podsmead, where the responsibility still rests with the developer.
Sebastian urged the council to fill potholes in Laburnum Road, Lower Tuffley Lane, and to patch Eliot Close.
New bins have been installed at Sebastian’s urging in Milton Avenue green space and Stratford Close.
Sebastian asked Gloucester City Homes to remove fly-tipping in Burns Avenue.
Sebastian met with city council officers at Tuffley Park to discuss adoption of Earls Park, trees in Podsmead and the proposals for a path across the park.